Friday, December 4, 2009

Was StarTrek a sort of an evening Soap-Opera for geeks?

I'm not sure if you're serious about the question,... but yes, I think it was.

In fact, it is a "Space Opera"; a term which categorizes that subgenre of science fiction which emphasizes romantic adventure, exotic settings, and larger than life characters.

By the way, Bearded One,... you rock! I'd give you ALL of my points if I could (but I don't think it would move you up much...):D

Was StarTrek a sort of an evening Soap-Opera for geeks?city opera

I think because that technology is used in the sense of the Star Trek episodes. And also, the way that they solve complicated problems

Was StarTrek a sort of an evening Soap-Opera for geeks?performing shows opera theater

How rude, no it was not.
definately..once you past the was some hard core drama...and by the way Geek is not politicaly correct. they are the socialy challenged thank you..LOL
Still Is

AND Its A Mirror For World Events Today

Or STARTED That Way When Kirk Was In Command

Think About It-

The Federation=The USA

The Romulans=Russians

The Vulcans=Japanese

The Klingons=Arabs

The Ferrengaes=The Jews Of The Universe(PROFIT)



Of Coarse The Races ^ Have Evolved Since

For Caper Girl(Below)

I Think Roddenberry Is A TIME TRAVELLER
It was an event to make the world smaller.

multiculturalism was introduced to the public

one giant leap for earth kind.
Well if it was then I'm a socially challenged geek who loved watching it. It was SOOOOOO much more than a soap opera. There was drama, excitment, heartache and horror to name but a few. Should bring it back!
Yes and no. It certainly started out that way, but it has long since become a measuring stick for society and for technical advancement. I wonder if Gene Roddenberry had any clue how profound an effect his creativity would have on modern society?
No, it wasn't a soap opera, nor was it for geeks. It was a Scifi/fantasy adventure show and, sort of an outerspace

comedy that taught viewers things, even though it was fiction. A lot changed about it, when it changed with The Next Generation, Voyager and Deep Space Nine.
NOOOOO i'm not a geek..... i think..

and i love startrek....Data is so funny..

but they have stoped showing it over here.. hummffff..
No, it's the science channel for dummies!
LOL... I always thought so and I am a geek. So, yeah.

I hope that I didn't offend anyone with my answer, and if I did, it was not intentional and was only my opinion. Your mileage may very.

Hugs ~:)
NO!!!!! In some markets, it came on in the afternoon, dumbass!
I don't know but am never a fan of Star Trek but I agree it's really soap opera.

Plus I never liked any of Star Trek movie I saw. Were they meant to really annoy people?

'does the Pope sh*t in the woods????'
I'd have to say startrek is more of a drama then a soap opera. soap opera is more love triangle and what not where startrek is more daily lives kind of issues. but yeah if you think about it startrek involved the whole world using generalization or really it made a single being with different attributes.

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